

Правила за резервация и политика за отмяна на резервация

В Талата Каламици Вилидж Къмпинг разполагаме с 3 категории места - Premium Standard, Premium Plus A Row  и L Economy.

В категория Premium Standard (Gerani, Delfini, Myrtia, Karpouzi, Helios, Eros & Zea) влиза почти цялата зона за къмпинг, има места близо до морето, така и места, разположени под гъстата сянка на дърветата.

В категория Premium Plus A Row (Gerani, Delfini) принадлежат места отпред, с изглед към синьо-зеленото море.

В категория L икономична (Levanta) влизат няколко места в периферията на двете футболни игрища и на баскетболното игрище.

Всички места са номерирани, просторни, разполагат с възможност за наемане на електричество и директен достъп до санитарните съоръжения.

Молим да имате предвид следното:

  • Кемперите се паркират вертикално на морето, във вътрешната част на мястото.
  • Къмпингуващият може да избира между A и L категория. Не могат да бъдат избирани специфични места.
  • Важи от 21 нощувки и повече и за избор на конкретно място
    в периода от 1 юли до 31 август
    МИНИМАЛНА ЦЕНА за една нощ: палатка / каравана / кемпер + 3 възрастни и при определени условия
  • Местата за къмпингуване за палатка-каравана-кемпер трябва да бъдат резервирани за поне 5 последователни нощи в периода от 20.07 до 20.08.
  • Гостите, които желаят да останат за по-малко нощувки по време на горепосочения период, се обслужват в зависимост от наличността на свободни места за по-кратки периоди. 
  • Моля, при заминаване напускат мястото чисто, като имате предвид, че други къмпингуващи ще бъдат настанени там след вас.

  • Час за настаняване:  СЛЕД 13:00' ч.
  • Час за освобождаване: ДО 11:00' ч.



Моля при напускане оставете квартирата чиста

FAQ regarding camping

What is the differences between the 3 place categories?

In Thalatta Kalamitsi Village Camp there are 3 categories of places, Premium StandardPremium Plus A Row and L Economy.

In Premium Standard category (Gerani, Delfini, Myrtia, Karpouzi, Helios, Eros & Zea) belongs almost the whole camping area, there are spots close to the sea and other beneath the dense shadow of trees.

In Premium Plus A Row  category (Gerani, Delfini) belong places at the front, 1st line after the beach, overlooking the blue-green sea.

In L Economy category (Levanta belong a few places, circumferentially the two football courts and the basketball court.

All places are numbered, spacious, with the possibility to rent electricity and direct access to sanitary facilities.

In which category is my reservation?

The choice of category in which you wish to stay, is made upon booking according to your preference and the availability of dates.

In Thalatta Kalamitsi Village Camp there are 3 categories of places, Premium StandardPremium Plus A Row and L Economy.

In Premium Standard category (Gerani, Delfini, Myrtia, Karpouzi, Helios, Eros & Zea) belongs almost the whole camping area, there are spots close to the sea and other beneath the dense shadow of trees.

In Premium Plus A Row  category (Gerani, Delfini) belong places at the front, 1st line after the beach, overlooking the blue-green sea.

In L Economy category (Levanta belong a few places, circumferentially the two football courts and the basketball court.

In which spesific place Nr. is my reservation?

Reservations are made based only on availability of dates per place category.

The camper can choose the area -B, G, D, E, Z, H, K, L- always depending on availability.

From 21 nights and over stay and for choice of specific place
within the period 1st of July until 31st of August, applies
MINIMUM CHARGE per overnight: camping mean + 3 adults.

We want places next to each other with our friends... Is it possible?

You can book in the same area, but unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that the places will be next to each other, since reservations are made based only on the availability of dates.

We always keep a notice in such cases, so that upon your arrival, at the reception desk, we serve you in the best possible way.

How many tents could fit in just one pitch?

Depending on the size of your tents, your equipment,  and the size of the pitch, in one place could fit from 1 to 6 tents.

Are all places shaded?

The campsite is planted with poplars, pines and olive trees.

The majority of the pitches are under natural shading. Some places have more and some less shade.

Place with shadow throughout the day cannot exist, since as we all know, the earth rotates....

Even though I have a reservation, I may get a place without shadow when I come?

Reservations are made based on availability of dates and not in specific spots.

So, there is a possibility that the spot, given from the reservation system, will be with limited or no shading - usually during the peak season.

At the reception we always try to serve our guests in the best possible way.

What is the size of the pitches?

The pitches in Thalatta Camp are naturally delimited by trees, with the result that there is not one specific size.
Generally, there are places between 35sqm. to 100sqm.

Are the places separated?

All pitches are numbered. They are separated by natural boundaries - trees, shrubs.

How are tents, caravans and campers placed?

All camping means have to be placed within the limits of the pitch.

In particular, caravans and campers are set vertically in relation to the sea, on the inner/back side of the spot.

What is the range of electricity?

The power supplied is 6 Ampere. You can use it for a lamp, phone charger and a refrigerator. 
Is explicitly prohibited the use of high-consumption electrical appliances exceeding 6 Ampere provided by the fuse box such as: electric ovens/cooking plates, washing machines, air-conditioners, electric grills, electric stoves, toasters, kettles, coffee machines.

Do all places get electricity?

It is possible to use electricity from all spots. Every 3-4 places there are fuse boxes.

It is advisable to have your own extension cable (20m) , and you must have your own adaptor with .

Can I rent a fridge?

Yes, you have the option rent a fridge. The fridge is rented exclusively for your use.  Placed next to your tent, after your arrival at the campsite.

The charge is indicated on the posted price list.

Is the water drinkable?

The water is not drinkable.

How can I get water to my caravan/camper?

There are taps in many spots of the campsite. You can connect the hose there to fill the water tank. Permanent connection to the taps is not allowed, as they are for watering the trees.

Can I use the taps in the camping for dishwashing, carwashing etc?

It is strictly forbidden to use the taps in the campsite for dish washing, car washing etc, as the stagnant waters and soaps destroy the flora.

Where can I empty the chemical toilet from caravan/camper?

There are 2 special points, in the D & E communal buildings, where you can empty the chemical toilet.

Where can I empty the waste water (grey water) of my camper?

There is a specific spot in the campsite for emptying waste water.

You should always notify the reception, as an usher needs to lead you to the spot.

Where can I park my car?

As long as you keep your car registered in the campsite, you should park it only within the limits of your place.

No parking is allowed on the road or in another place.

You can also park in the parking area (with charge). or out of the camp,

We have 2 cars, where can we park?

Only 1 car per place is allowed.

The 2nd car, after you receive a temporary entry card to load or unload your equipment, will then have to be parked outside the camp.

The temporary entry card has to be delivered to the guard or reception desk within half an hour.

Are dogs allowed at the camping?

Dogs are allowed at the camping, but inside the rental accommodations they should stay in their travel bag or at the balcony/terrace.

It is strictly forbidden to let the dogs on the beds/mattresses or sofa & generally you should take care to avoid any furniture damage .

You should always keep them on a leash inside the camping and you should take care for their impurities and not to bother the other campers.

Pets are not allowed inside the restaurants & super market.

At the beach & beach bar it is only allowed to keep your pet with you on a leash. 

It is necessary to have with you the Certificate of Vaccination and Health for pets and a copy of it, which you are going to leave at the reception.
