Каравани на плажа за 4 човека

Моля, обърнете внимание: горните снимки са примери за нашето настаняване. Външният вид и местоположението могат да варират. Кликнете върху снимката, за да я увеличите.

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Караваните на плажа за 4 човека  (Pelagos) са разположени на един ред на пясъка.

Пред тях, на разстояние от 5 метра, са разположени Луксозните палатки под наем.

Палатките не възпрепятстват глетката, нито достъпа до морето.

Караваните на плажа за 4 човека съдържат:

  •   2 двойни легла (150 х 200 см.), или едно двойно легло и две единични легла (90 х 200 см.)
  •   Спално бельо и кърпи за баня
  •   Обзаведена кухня (стандартно кухненско оборудване: хладилник, котлон и тиган, тенджера, чинии, обикновени чаши, чаши за кафе и прибори за 4 човека)
  •   Баня (душ и тоалетна) 
  •   Климатик
  •   Сламен навес с градински кът за хранене
  •   wi-fi
  •   Простор за дрехи, метла, лопатка, кофа, моп за почистване.
  •   Паркомясто за 1 кола

Час за настаняване:  СЛЕД 16:00 ч.
Час за освобождаване: ДО 11:00 ч.

                                             Молим да имате предвид следното:

  • Настаняването в категория “Каравани на плажа за 4 човека” се различава по екстериор и интериор по отношение на подредбата и цветовете на завесите и обзавеждането.
  • Караваните на плажа не могат да бъдат избирани на базата на екстериора или интериора им.
  • Караваните на плажа се наемат обзаведени, но без предоставяне на допълнителни услуги, с изключение на предоставянето на чаршафи и кърпи за баня. 
  • Не се предоставят консумативи за кухня и баня (тоалетни принадлежности и почистващи препарати). 
  • Домашните любимци са разрешени, но при определени условия.
  • Ползването на климатика във време, в което отстъствате от мястото за настаняване, е забранено.
  • Не оставяйте работещи електрически и газови уреди, когато се намирате извън мястото за настаняване.
  • Местенето на оборудване извън мястото за настаняване е забранено.
  • За всякакви липси и повреди се заплаща съответната глоба.
  • Моля при напускане оставете квартирата чиста, като имате предвид, че други къмпингуващи ще бъдат настанени там след вас.
  • В случай, че желаете да се отклонява преди откриването на рецепцията, моля, уведомете рецепцията един ден предварително и се уверете, че сте задали всички чакащи договорености. Вашето превозно трябва да остане извън лагера за това миналата нощ.

FAQ regarding Caravans at the Beach 4prs

What is the difference between Caravans at the beach 4prs & Caravans at the beach 4-5prs?

Caravans at the Beach 4prs are located in a single row on the beach, Pelagos area, and they are European type.

Caravans at the Beach 4-5prs are located in 2 rows, A & B, on the beach, Almira area, and they are US type. They have 2 bedrooms and they also have a convertible sofa in the living room.

Are all Caravans at the Beach 4prs the same inside?

Caravans at the beach 4prs differ externally but also internally in layout and in colors of furniture and curtain.

Can I choose a specific Caravan?

This is not possible, since reservations are made based only on availability of dates at the category you choose - Caravan at the beach 4 or 4 - 5prs.

Is it hot inside Caravans at the Beach?

Caravans at the beach are located on the beach, on the sand and there is no natural shadow provided.

They have air conditioning, but there is also a thatched kiosk outside for some shading.

Which accommodation is best suited for children?

All accommodations at Thalatta Kalamitsi Village Camp are suitable and can accommodate families with children.

How far is the Caravan to the beach?

The caraavan is placed on the beach, on the sand.

What does the kitchen equipment include?

-cooking hop
-frying pan
-cooking pot
-salad bowl
-cutlery for 4 people

Caravans at the beach do not have an oven or microwave oven.

It is forbidden to carry the above equipment out of the accommodation.

Do caravans at the beach have bathroom?

They have a bathroom, but as in all European caravans, space is limited.

Do caravans at the beach have a chemical WC?

Beach caravans have normal WC which are connected to the sewerage system.

Are bed linen & towels provided?

In this type of accommodation, you will find:
*Bed sheets,
*Face / Bath Towels.

It is forbidden to use the above equipment outside the accommodation or on the beach.

Is there a TV?

Ιn Caravans at the beach, as well as in all other rental accommodations, there is no TV.

Is there any bed linen change?

We change bath towels, face towels, bed sheets and pillow cases after 3 days of use, namely on the 4th day. 

The accommodation is delivered clean. There is no cleaning service provided during your stay.

How often is accommodation cleaned?

The accommodation is delivered clean.

During your stay, you take care for the cleanliness.

Beach caravans have broom, dustpan, bucket, mop.

Are dogs allowed inside?

at the balcony/terrace.

It is strictly forbidden to let the dogs on the beds/mattresses or sofa & generally you should take care to avoid any furniture damage .

You should always keep them on a leash inside the camping and you should take care for their impurities and not to bother the other campers.

Pets are not allowed inside the restaurants & super market.

According to Regulation of the Coast Guard dogs are not allowed at the beach or inside the sea when other bathers are there. 

At the beach bar it is allowed to keep your pet with you on a leash. 

It is necessary to have with you the Certificate of Vaccination and Health for pets and a copy of it, which you are going to leave at the reception.  

Where can I park my car?

There is 1 parking space next to your accommodation.

We have 2 cars, where can we park?

Only 1 car per accommodation is allowed.

The 2nd car, after you receive a temporary entry card to load or unload your equipment, will then have to be parked outside the camp.

The temporary entry card is returned to the guard or reception desk within half an hour.

However, you can use the outside parking with a daily fee.

Can you provide us with an extra bed?

No extra beds are provided apart those that already exist in the caravan.

There is no space to place an additional bed.

Do you provide baby beds/cots?

The campsite does not provide / rent children's beds.

There is no space to place a baby cot.

Though the arrival is after 16:00’ in the afternoon, if I arrive to the campsite earlier, can I get in?

In case the accommodation is ready, there is no problem to enter earlier.

Otherwise, you can only enter the campsite on foot, leaving an ID at the reception, until your accommodation is cleaned.

Why not to get in to the accommodation earlier?

Departures take place until 11:00’ am. Then it takes time for the accommodation to be ready, so that we deliver it clean and proper.
